A Christmas Prayer - Blessed Be all beings on the Earth

I firmly believe that Christmas time has been created so that we all have the potential to resolve a little of our karma and let go the old stories that keep us trapped in our past, limited in our future and not always present in our lives.

It is the perfect opportunity, as we come together with the group of souls who are our greatest teachers and mirrors on the journey. It is these souls who are are constant reminders of what we hold inside ourselves that needs to be brought into the light again. They also remind us of who and what we are.

And this Christmas is extra special because it falls right on a full moon, a full moon in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the astrological sign that is all about emotions, families, love, caring, healing, mothers, children, hearth and home. 

The last full moon to fall on Christmas Day was in 1977 and the next will be 2034. So all around the planet we are being given the perfect gift right now to let go the old, heal the past and open to the light in our hearts for our families and loved ones.

I am praying that all around the world in all communities we choose to open our hearts to this wonderful opportunity the Universe is giving us. Will you join me in this prayer? (See prayer below)

At this time of the year we often find ourselves face to face with our old stories from the past as we connect with our families and bloodlines. Many of these stories have remained dormant in our memories until we suddenly find ourselves sitting across from the mirror at the Christmas table. 

Perhaps it is our elder brother that used to tease us and treat us like the younger sibling we were, yet how we hated this. Perhaps it is another sibling who bullied us unfairly and unwisely. Each story a trigger for the karma that sits inside of us telling us that we are not good enough or worthy enough.

Perhaps it is a painful memory of not being loved or supported as a child and we suddenly begin to revert to the unhappy or angry child we once were under the roof of our parent's house.

Each time an old story arises we may become triggered and emotions we have not felt for the whole year may resurface. These emotions rise in us like  a volcano and, no matter what we may have promised ourselves that morning about not letting drunken Uncle Tommy upset us or Mum's snide remarks about our weight get us riled up, we suddenly become overwhelmed by the feelings we have successfully managed to ignore or keep in check all year.

When this occurs we are suddenly back in the old stories of our past that come up again for us to look at.

Across the family Christmas table the energy cords of attachment are running like bright lines of light everywhere connecting each one of our family members and these energetic attachments cause us to go into reaction and response.

Yet as you sit with your families and loved ones this year I am going to ask you to remember the truth of who you are. Please remember that you are a divine being of light. You are not your old story. Please take a deep breath and open your heart and embrace your divine truth and not your illusion.

Let go your need to want to change this old story and create a different outcome - even now after all these years. The story is in the past, the experience is over. It is time to let it go. You are no longer living this experience again unless you are choosing to recreate it. You are no longer the child who feels unloved or lost, you no longer have to be the victim of someone else's pain or projections.

Instead of trying to change the story or the person or persons involved in the story choose to let it go. Leave it in the past where it belongs. Do not bring it into the present where it does not belong. 

If you are in reaction it is because you have never let the story go and you are still holding the consciousness you created in yourself when you responded to this experience. This is the karma you created. The cause is the experience - the effect is what you are still holding that you created in reaction to this experience. You cannot change the experience but you can change the effect.

The effect is the story you told yourself about yourself in reaction to this experience. So what story did you create about yourself when you had this experience? What did you tell yourself? It is this story that you need to let go of now.

Often the child will tell herself that she is not loved because her parents did not behave or act in a way that she wanted and expected. Therefore she told herself the story that she is not loved or loveable.

Perhaps when the child was bullied he told himself that he would never be strong enough to stand up to the bullies so he created the story he was weak and useless. Whenever this is mirrored to him he becomes very angry at himself and everyone else and may even become a bully himself in later years.

There are so many stories we create about who and what we are from our experiences, particularly when we are children. Yet these are not our truth today, unless we choose to believe the stories we created and repeat the them again and again.

Have you ever wondered why four siblings growing up in the same household with the same parents will have completely different versions of their childhood? It is because each soul comes in with different karma to resolve from past incarnations. This karma will drive them to create the stories they create that are unique to them because it each child has a different point of view of the same experience due to the karma they hold inside themselves.

Please try to remember that everyone is creating their own reality in each moment and this reality may be very different to your reality because even though we are all One we are also all unique with our own gifts and karma.

As you sit down with your family this year please try to see each person as a soul, a being of divine light, and not just as a personality. Each one of these beautiful souls has come to support you in some way, even if you may not like the way they are doing it.

Often it they are there to mirror back to you the karma that you hold deep inside you that needs to be resolved. They have come to remind you to let it go. Others have also come to mirror back to you your light. The question for you is are you willing and ready to open your heart to receive the gift they have come to offer to you?

Choose to open your heart and remember who you truly are this Christmas and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to heal and resolve the past so you are free to live unencumbered in the now and create your future with peace, love and joy in your heart.

I offer this prayer out now to all souls. Please join me:

May we choose to open our hearts to our divine truth and let go our illusions
May we choose to see the divine light of each other's hearts
May we accept that each being is a divine being of light
May we honor the divine light in each other and accept we are One together
May all pain and suffering be released now
May all old stories be released now
May all we hold that creates separation be forgiven and released now
May we choose to honor all beings and hold them in our hearts as One with us
May we be blessed with love and compassion and offer this to all we meet
We affirm that we are divine light
We affirm that we are divine love
We affirm that we are all divine children of God
Blessed be all beings on the Earth
Blessed be all beings on the Earth
Blessed be all beings on the Earth




Open your Hearts to the Change


Staying in Your Heart