Healing Your Creation Temple ~ A Meditation from Quan Yin

We are the Quan Yin and we wish to share with you this day our beloved sisters and brothers. We thank you for your time and energies. We offer you a Rose of Dispensation and an Elixir of Light now to support your energy to open and release all that.

Choose now to open up your heart and be in the light now. Allow the energies of the light to flow through you. Breathe in deeply now and focus on your sacral chakra.

As you open the sacral chakra, feel the light of love fill the sacral chakra now, our beloveds. Ask now for this light to lift all wounds in your sacral chakra.

We place now a yellow rose in the sacral chakra and it begins to open and grow and expand now. Open your energies and allow for this expansion to occur now, dear ones.

Speak softly to your sacral chakra and ask it to surrender to the light all the memories it holds now. It is not just about the feminine energies held in the sacral, but it also includes the masculine energies held in this sacral chakra. It is the chakra of your creation.

The sacral chakra holds the original memories of your creation and separation from Source. It is in this chakra that these memories are held for all time.

We ask you now to breathe in deeply and allow these memories to be released. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your body, we ask you to simply become aware of this and focus your love on this area as your breathe deeply in and out.

Continue with this breath for five minutes or more as you place your focus on the heart of the sacral chakra. Focus on this place within you.

The healing angels and three archangels come to you now to assist with this, as we come to hold you now in this time. Call for us now to be with you.

Where the wounds have manifested within your physical body the healing angels begin to work on this area and the organs around it, so you may feel a tingle or a pulling here. We ask you to breathe through this gently and deeply.

You may wish to tone or to sound aloud as this occurs for you, dear ones. As this healing begins to take place, know that it is also taking place on all other levels of your light body.

This sacral chakra holds many memories from all the dimensions in your multi-dimensional bodies and this clearing occurs now to assist you in your creation of Self and the life you are choosing to manifest on Earth.

We ask you now to visualise yourself in your sacral temple, your temple of creation. For some it will be a golden temple with large columns of light, for others it may be crystalline temple in its nature, and for some it will be pure white and luminous.

Choose to open and expand your heart energy in this temple and fill it with the love from your heart. Feel the energies expand now as your sacral temple becomes filled with the loving essence of your being.

The Masters and the Angels are with you to assist you with their energies and to lift your energies into a higher vibration.

You may feel this tingling through your body now in the physical. As you stand in your creation temple you see a long corridor and we ask you now to walk along this corridor.

It has many doors on both sides and as you walk you will feel called to enter these doorways. As you step inside a doorway you may see or hear other beings in this room. These are the soul aspects of your memories held in the sacral.

We ask you now to explore these rooms and doorways as you feel called. Some may feel inclined to step into many rooms and some may only wish to enter one. All is perfect for you in divine timing, dear ones.

As you open to reconnect with these memories we will help you to clear them from your sacral creation temple and restore them to God again.

Work with your souls aspects now and allow them to show you the memory they hold in this room, if they feel they need to show you. We ask you to hold the love vibration in your heart through this connection and to speak to them with love in your words and your being.

Send these soul aspects love now. Send this love to their hearts and allow them to be filled with this vibration.

Ask them now to surrender all they hold in separation memory to God, to the Source of all that is. Ask them to forgive now all that has occurred across all time, space and dimension and across all planes and on all levels.

Some of you, beloved ones, may need to call on the karmic council for release of any karma consciousness that is held over these memories. Simply call the karmic council and then ask them for karmic absolution in regard to this now. Wait for their response. We will intercede on your behalf and lift the karma to the light of God’s heart.

Many soul aspects may need to break agreements and vows or contracts they have made and we ask you to ask them if this is the case. Ask them simply, do you need to break any agreements or vows you have made. If they say yes, then do so.

When this is complete for you ask them now to release all memories and associations of their aspects in this dimension now to God and to place it all in the eternal flame of God’s heart until these aspects are standing before you in their true nature of light, in their true being, no longer hidden by the dark veils of memories and emotions. When they are in their true nature of light ask them to merge with you in your heart.

Send a rainbow bridge of light to them with love from your heart and ask them to walk across this bridge into your heart. Embrace them as they come to you with love and compassion and surrender to this process. They merge now with you back into the One heart of all that is through your heart and this divine healing process.

We ask you to remember to breathe through this process and to ask for assistance at all times from us, the Quan Yin,  and the Angels of healing that are with you during this process.

When you have completed one room of old karmic memories, you may continue down the corridor doing the same until you feel there are no more rooms you need to enter at this time.

Then continue all the way to the end of the corridor where you walk through a doorway into a chamber of healing. Stand within this chamber and a golden shower of light flows over you, surrounding you. The chamber then fills up with golden light completely and you find that you are floating in this chamber of golden light. Breathe and simply allow this process to occur.

As it does you feel your body completely give way to the energies and it makes you feel profoundly relaxed. You may even release a large sigh, as if all is released now.

Remain in this healing chamber for the time you feel is needed for you.

When you are ready to leave, continue through the door on the other side. An emissary of light is waiting for you on the other side with a robe of white and gold light to place over you.

The emissary takes you back to the main room of your creation temple and asks you to lie on the beautiful white and golden bed that is on the floor. Red roses are scattered all around this bed as you are asked to lie down.

Voices begin to sing to you now in the temple, gently at first, until they build to a crescendo. The vibration of these voices runs through every part of your body. You may at times feel like you are levitating from the bed in your temple.

Breathe now and allow this healing to occur. You may feel hands being placed upon your sacral chakra and your heart chakra, or other parts of your body. Breathe as this occurs. Breathe in the energy of healing that is being offered to you. Remain here in the temple until you feel it is complete.

At this time you may feel like toning or sounding aloud in your own language or you may simply feel like being in the quiet of your true creation nature. Allow whatever comes for you at this time, dear ones, to complete this healing.

Know that your sacral chakra is your divine creation chakra, the creation of all that you are. It assists you to be all that you are in your true nature of light. It supports you to create for yourself all you need to create on this Earth now. It is the chakra of fertile creation and manifestation. It assists you to manifest all in your life that you need to continue your journey and to walk on your path.

We love you, our beloved sisters and brothers. In faith and love, namaste to you.



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