Come out of Separation and Pain - Lord Kuthumi

When you go into re-action dear hearts you close your heart and sit in separation consciousness. Emotions and thoughts arise that create separation in your being and you are re-active, acting out on these emotions and thoughts.

When this occurs dear hearts then all that you create is filled with the energy of separation and you begin to build a story that is not necessary. You build a story dear ones around your painful emotions and feelings and tell yourself this is your truth. You then may project this truth and these emotions and thoughts at another person, group or event that you believe triggered you into reaction in the first place.

As you sit more in separation you then call for others to come and support you in this story and feelings, and seek confirmation and support for the distorted truth you have created and thereby dear ones create yet more separation. And indeed so it continues.

When this unfolds in your experience dear hearts it creates so much limitation for you and the truth becomes greatly distorted because you are focusing on the story that was created from the feelings, emotions and thoughts that are sitting in separation. If you choose not to look at this but simply become this story then indeed you will become trapped in the story and live it as your truth. Then you will continue to live in separation in your life with a closed heart. The portal of your light consciousness will be closed. You will create an illusion around this story that will serve your ego self to hold onto it and to remain caught in this consciousness. Yet it will not serve you to reach the potential that you truly seek.

We say unto you dear hearts open your hearts – open your consciousness to the bigger picture, the wider vision and let go the ego self. Choose not to be guided by the small you, the ego you, yet choose instead to be guided by the higher you. Open your heart to your higher wisdom and allow yourself to connect with your higher light so you may become the greater you and no longer the little you that sits in pain and separation.

Open your consciousness beloved hearts. Choose to be brave and be consciousness. Be mindful of what you are choosing to create in each moment. Look not outside yourself to cast blame and aspersions onto others, but look deeply inside of yourself and ask yourself why you are feeling this pain and separation. What do you hold within you that feels such consciousness of separation.

Let go the emotions and the thought forms of the ego for they will not serve you, dear ones. Open your heart to the divine truth. Choose to acknowledge what it is that is causing this pain in you that has created you to be in re-action and to behave in a re-active manner. You will know this part of you well dear one, yet perhaps there are parts of you that do not wish to accept this in yourself so you continue to give it away to others.

Be compassionate with yourself and seek not another to do this for you, for they cannot. Open your consciousness and choose to look at the source of your pain and separation that sits inside of you. Acknowledge this consciousness inside of you and honor it, dear ones. It may be the first time that it has felt honoured by you instead of judged or ignored by you.

Honor this consciousness that is causing you pain and separation and hold it in your heart of love. Open you heart to it and accept that is exists in you and let go your judgement and separation with this part of yourself. Know that it is yours, dear heart, and cannot be given away to someone else. Nor can it be cut and sent away even though you may try in your separation consciousness. You may even choose to bury it again and hide it away so it cannot be seen by you or by others, yet we say to you it will arise again and again to cause you pain and separation because it exists.

Give thanks to the mirror that triggered you and caused you to look at this consciousness and accept the gift they have shared with you. Perhaps they are a mirror for you in your life regularly and perhaps they have only come into your life for a fleeting moment, yet give thanks to this mirror for what they have come to show you of yourself.

This part of you that is in pain and separation has something very important to teach you, dear one, and it calls to you to assist it to step back into the light of your being once more instead of sitting in the shadows. It asks you to illuminate it, to shine the light upon it and to honor it as part of you.

As you do this dear hearts choose to accept that it is yours and that it has come to share its wisdom with you so that you may step from separation and emotional re-action in your life to a place of peace and stillness within your being. It will teach you to remain in your pillar of light and not to step out of your pillar into the energy of others or the energy of your shadow selves and believe this is your truth.

Open your consciousness (heart portal) to all the parts of you dear one that exists within you and honor each and every part. Accept that this energy exists in you for a reason and that it has much to teach you. Are you wiling to learn?

Then dear hearts embrace this part of you that holds separation. Embrace them with your light and hold them in your heart of love so they know they are held by you and that you are ready to learn the wisdom they have come to share with you from their experiences in the physical form.

Each and every part of you, dear one, is an integral part of the whole of you and each one is important. The parts of you that lift you up into the light and expand your heart into Oneness and the parts of you that cause emotions and pain and close down your heart to yourself and others. All have something to gift to you dear one. Honor each one and know that the gift lies inside of you. All that you need to come into self-mastery in your life sits inside of you. Blessed are you.

Lord Kuthumi


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