What Story Is Your Truth? - Saint Germain

Dear heart, we come to say to you that you are not your stories, you are the pure light of your soul. Yet how many stories do you run in your mind that create your reality and become your truth, dear heart? Stories from the past and expectations of the future, each one traps you in its tentacles and you make it your truth and reality in the now moment. Yet, we say to you these are simply stories, experiences of the physical realm, but they are not that which you are.

These stories that you tell yourself are not the original blueprint of your being, but simply distortions you have created of this truth. Yet we say to you each story that you create will bring to you experiences and understandings on your journey to fully embracing the divine truth of you.

Your stories come from many places, dear heart, often from your father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, your peer groups, and your collective consciousness. You choose to play these stories as your truth, yet in truth they are but your illusions and your distraction.

Ask yourself dear one how many stories do you offer to yourself in your life? Do you understand how these stories control your reality and the way you perceive the life you are living in each moment of your existence?

Your human mind loves the stories and it has many attachments to these stories that you run as your truth. Yet, we ask you dear ones, are these stories truly the truth of your reality, or are they the illusions through which you are choosing in each moment to live?

When you run these stories you no longer live in the present moment, but simply live through the attachment of your experiences in the past or through an attachment to an expectation you hold of the future. And these may become great burdens and responsibilities that you carry, dear heart, which constantly drain all the energy you hold to live in the present moment in your truth and create your greatest potential.

We would ask you, dear heart, to consider the stories that you are running and living as your truth. As you consider them become aware of what these stories are creating for you. Does the story you are running as your truth right now serve you, to live in peace and harmony or does it create drama and chaos for you?

Is the story you are creating as your truth causing you to remain in struggle and limitation in your life or does it allow you to be fully present in the now and meet your potential? Does your story cause you to feel disempowered and in need of giving your power to another, believing that this other knows more than you and perhaps can see the truth of you?

Does your story ask you to see the God of creation outside of yourself and separate to you, causing you to feel disconnected to the Source of your being and unable to hold the light of yourself firmly in your own heart?

The human ego self is very attached to its stories and the drama and intrigue that is created through every story that you choose to live. It believes these stories give you the experiences of your reality, yet dear heart, how much does this serve you? Are you choosing to live through stories that cause you pain, struggle and suffering? And if this is true for you then have you asked yourself the purpose of this choice you have made? Do you understand, dear one, that your power lies in every choice you make and in each moment you can choose to change your story and live another experience?

Dear heart, we say to you that the story is only the story. Your attachment to the story may be your greatest limitation in your experience of the human physical existence. Being trapped in an old story of pain, struggle and limitation may not serve you to expand, grow and evolve the consciousness of your being in the present moment. It may only hold you trapped in the past or the future.

Often dear heart your ego mind chooses to attach to a story and play it again and again, even lifetime after lifetime because it judges the outcome that was created from that story. The ego was not happy or satisfied with the outcome of the original story and cannot accept it. Through the power of its will it chooses to change the outcome and so continues to play out that story over and over until it is satisfied. It may hold you enthralled for lifetimes in the same story replaying it over and over in many different ways searching to create a new outcome.

When this occurs dear heart you replay and relive the same story in many ways trying so hard to create a different ending to the story that you cannot accept as your experience.

We ask you, dear heart, have you not yet learned after so many experiences revolving around the same story again and again that the ending cannot be changed? This ending is the experience that you have been asked to master and learn. It is your Divine Plan. You are not being asked to change the story, dear one, you are being asked to accept this experience and the outcome that was created from it. Accept the ending of this story and learn what you are choosing not to learn. For in truth this is what you have come to learn in your mastery.

We ask you to consider this, beloved heart, and to ask yourself why you are choosing to continue to relive this old story in order to change the ending that you did not like. How many times have you already relived and replayed this old story, only to discover that the ending is always the same?

We say to you, dear heart, surrender to the Divine Plan. Let go your attachment to creating a different ending and accept with an open heart the experience of the original story and through this acceptance and embrace you may release your resistance to your mastery.

Only in this way, dear heart, may you truly move forward and evolve on your path. For in the letting go and acceptance of what is in this experience may you truly be free to create a new experience for yourself and step more into your mastery as a co-creator in the physical plane of the Earth.

Dear hearts, we watch you over and over again trapped in your stories and choosing to replay them over and over again. No longer present in the now but caught in your attachments to the past or your desires and needs for the future through your judgements and fear. Yet it is only in the present moment that you may know your truth and co-create through the power you hold.

We say to you there are five original stories that live through the human psyche in the physical existence. Your beautiful ego minds have created billions of different versions of these five original stories because of your resistance to letting go your free will and surrendering to the wisdom of the Divine Plan.

The five stories, beloved heart, include the first arrival of the soul consciousness into the physical plane of existence. At this time the soul feels like a newborn babe taken from the safety of the womb and feels great resistance to this. The soul consciousness may no longer feel the support of the living light of the Source heart (womb) that has nurtured it. In the voidal planes of existence, the soul is always held and surrounded by the Source consciousness just like a baby in the womb.

When the soul first comes into the physical consciousness of matter it becomes aware that it is no longer held in the voidal waters of light and like the babe it cries out to return to this loving nurturing support. When it does not the soul feels the loss of this deep connection to the heart of Source and instead of going within to find the seed of Source that has been planted in its heart, the soul searches all around it for that connection, yet often cannot find it.

This story is played out again and again in millions of different experiences in the physical plane beloved heart and is at the core of all stories of separation and disconnection that is held by humanity’s heart.

This first story then births the second story that creates the belief that you have been rejected from Source (cast out) and are not good enough to be held in the voidal waters of Source light connection and cannot call it to you through the vast planes of light. The soul cannot accept the Divine Plan and refuses to believe that it is meant to be in the physical experiences on the Earth learning its mastery of co-creation.  This is the first step in the soul’s free will in resistance to the Divine Plan.

Through the second original story the soul consciousness has created numerous experiences of pain and suffering in the human psyche beloved heart. These are constantly played out again and again through the many experiences you choose to create in your physical realm. This in turn often creates the belief that you have lost your power and are disempowered on the Earth. In turn this also creates the belief in being the victim and unable to create a reality for yourself that will nourish and voidal waters of light.

The third original story, dear heart, is the search for a replacement for the heart of Source. In this story the soul chooses to search for a new Source to nurture it and support it. The soul consciousness searches for this replacement in other souls, believing that their embrace, support and acceptance (what you may call love) will replace the memory they hold of the heart of Source. This original story has created trillions of experiences of ‘love’ and ‘conflict’ in your group consciousness, and has birthed all your books, songs and movies etc. as you began to sing and write of your experiences around this original story from the early times of your civilisations.

The fourth story was birthed from the third and of course is the story of loss and disappointment. It is here that beliefs of distrust, betrayal, disappointment, expectations unmet, frustration, rejection and loss of faith are birthed when the soul realises that the replacement it has chosen for the heart of Source is not what it is truly seeking.  In some way the soul comes to realise that this replacement cannot give it what it truly desires and so it believes it has been misled, or let down and it feels this loss deeply.

The fifth story begins only when the soul understands that all the other experiences have taken it outside of itself and the answer does not lie outside of itself. When the soul realises that the answer is embedded deeply within its own being then it begins its journey to go within and look for the answers that it seeks.

In this story the soul chooses to search for the heart of Source inside itself and proceeds to create many experiences around this story in its search for the seed of Source that is held within it. On this journey the soul is asked to look at all it has created in the physical plane of and around itself. This indeed may create many experiences of self-judgement and disconnection to the power of its light, as much as it creates experiences of reconnection to the light within the soul.

In this way the soul comes full circle and begins to understand and accepts the Divine Plan. The soul understands that to know mastery of the physical plane it needs to create this in the physical world of matter. It is asked to become the observer of its creations and the witness so it can master the wisdom of its creations without judgment and resistance. The soul comes to understand that through the Divine Plan and all that it experiences on the Earth in its search for the heart of Source it discovers the power of its light and the truth of what it is. When the soul chooses to surrender to this it comes to know its Mastery and no longer needs to believe it is a story for it no longer needs to confirm who and what it is.

Throughout each of these stories you are also learning about creation and your power to create in each moment the reality in which you live. As you live these original stories in the many experiences and permutations that you choose to create you are being shown the power of the light you hold within you to manifest your reality in each moment. Yet often because of these distortions to your original blueprint as a son and daughter of the God Source, you believe you must create alone and in separation to the heart of Source and the Divine Plan.

And so, dear heart, you continue to create in disconnection, in resistance and without the support that is always there for you until you move into the fifth story and begin to learn to co-create with the heart of Source in your full power of the light you are.

Each of these original five stories, dear heart, are played out in so many ways through the human psyche and cause you to create many experiences in your physical reality. Yet each one will eventually bring you back to the heart of Source within you.

So we ask you dear heart what story are you running and playing as your truth right now? Have you chosen to live through your divine blueprint or is it a distorted story of your divine truth?

Blessed be on your path to Mastery.


The Ego Mind


Be Conscious of Your Creations - Saint Germain