Take Responsibility ~ Serapis Bey

Welcome your beloved hearts this day. We come to say that it is not what one can see that is important .. it is what one cannot .. that is of the essence of all that is, dear ones.

Life as you know it is but a minute bubble in the scheme of things. It is simply what you have created from this experience in the realms of matter, our beloveds. It is not the be and end of all, no surely it is not. We ask you to understand this and to choose not to be so entrapped by your creations in the physical world, dear ones.

In this realm of physical matter you often become so enmeshed in what you create as your reality and yet cannot see in truth past this creation with your knowing and wisdom, dear ones. You allow the reality of your creations in the physical realm to take you over and this is all you see.

Your movie that was called the Matrix indeed showed you a perception of this and was not far from the truth, although it brought through your fears and distortions, placing you as the victims once again, dear ones. But we say to you this is not truth.

For you are not victims of the Universe or some dreaded computer machine, dear ones. Many of you would prefer to let go your responsibility and believe this in truth, dear ones, for it brings ease to your minds and fears. And even those amongst you who know of the power of the light sometimes prefer to do this believing they are the victims of some other entity such as a wrathful God or beings from afar, dear ones. But in truth this is not so.

Yet many choose to hold this belief and create this as their reality for it is easier to create the understanding that they indeed are not responsible for their creations in this realm and are indeed following instructions of God or another being, dear ones.

Why is this? For many prefer not to take responsibility for all that they create as their reality in the physical realm even your Prime Ministers and Presidents and Kings and Queens. Choosing instead to abdicate their Mastery to become the victim of outside influences.

It is easier for them to believe that they have a mandate from a God that is directing them to go to war or to raise taxes or to ignore the minority for the better of the majority. Or, even dear ones to invade and war in countries for the highest good.

Many of these things in your realm are done under the banner of God or faith or a higher deity than yourselves, dear ones. In truth, this is exactly what is occurring in your realm at this time, our beloved ones, as it has occurred so many times before.

And in the doing so too do you, each one, also do the same as your presidents, kings and queens and choose to abdicate your Mastery and to give your power to a higher deity than you, a more powerful being then you or an influence outside of you.

We say to you that the peace and harmony you seek in your realm, dear ones, may not arrive until you have realised that in truth you indeed are responsible for all your creations, dear ones. When you choose to step into your Mastery and accept and honour all your choices and creations as yours and accept the power each one of your beautiful souls have to create your reality in each moment through your own Mastery then the change will come that you seek.

It begins with the smallest details of your own lives, dear ones, and like the ripples upon the pond it spreads out in a wave of energy to meet all hearts. All transformation needs to begin with yourselves, dear ones, and we ask you to choose to take responsibility for your thoughts and the energy that you create in all things in your reality.

We ask you to taking responsibility for all that you are choosing to create in each moment with those around you including your loved ones, your co-workers and even with those people on the street you pass every day as you go about your daily routines. This is where the transformation is needing to begin, dear ones.

Your Mastery of the physical realm asks of you to choose to take responsibility for yourself and all that you are choosing to BE, dear ones, and how this affects all you create in every moment. For you are indeed the creators of all that is in this realm, dear ones.

Only you can create that which is in this realm, dear ones. The consciousness of God does not do this for you, our beloveds. Your God/Goddess is not the wrathful God of your dreams and storybooks, dear ones. God/Goddess does not take away your free will and keep you enslaved under his or her rule, dear ones. Nor does this consciousness decide what is best for you, dear ones, moment to moment.

You are living in a free will zone on the Earth, dear ones, and this means that all you create is your responsibility. You are responsible for all that occurs in your realm, dear ones.

We say to you that if it is not what you desire then we suggest to you that now is the time to choose to change it, dear ones. It is within your power. Yes indeed, you may call for assistance at any time, dear ones, for your divine highest good and you will receive this assistance from the realms of light and we will come to your aid to assist you to create in truth that which is for your divine highest good, dear ones.

But in truth, we ask you to accept and honour what this means, for it does not always mean that you will win the lottery, simply because you have asked the heavens to do so, our beloved ones.

If it is in your highest good for you to do so, our beloved ones, then indeed this will be granted should you so desire to create this energy unto you. But we say to you that in most cases we have found that many of you are not desirous of creating this energy to you even though you have asked for this to arise for you. We understand this is because you believe exactly the opposite to that which you often demand or request from the Universe, our beloveds.

If this is the case for you, then that is what you will create as your reality because you will have already created the barriers and boundaries for receiving that which you ask for, our beloveds. We would ask you to consider this within yourselves.

It is the same for those who have many riches and ask for happiness in their lives, our beloveds, without pain and hard work. In truth it is often the reason why they are never truly happy in their souls or why they indeed work so hard to retain their gold and coins. It is because they too believe they are undeserving of happiness in their lives or have the belief that it is truly necessary to work hard and drive oneself harder in all things to attain one's goals for power and riches.

And then there are many beings who truly believe it is their right to be rich, famous and powerful in all things in this realm and to retain that control over others. And this is indeed what they create in this realm. Yet as they hold onto all these things they are unable to fathom why it is their hearts still feel so empty, no matter how much power they control over others. This voice within them is still strong.

They have chosen and created this for themselves because within them their being believes they are not deserving of being fulfilled and it understands that all that they create is not the driving force within them. It is for them to come to the Mastery what they search for and crave is not within their reach and cannot be attained through power over others, dear ones.

All of these things are the challenges that your inner beings create for you so that you may awaken to your true selves. These energies are mirrors to you every day. These are the realities you are choosing to create to hide the truth of all that you are.

Yet in every moment you are learning through these challenges you create for yourself in your life. Some of you awaken to them quickly and some more slowly. Each divine truth you are shown in your reality is only what you have chosen to create for yourself to understand the consciousness that is held within you that needs to be surrendered and released so you can be free of the shackles of your past that bind and hold you in your limitations in this realm of physicality.

We ask you to honour, dear ones, that each and every thing you create in your life brings you closer to your divine truth. It is not another being, or outside influences that is creating these challenges for you, for they indeed are not the creators of your reality.

It is your inner being that wishes you to see the divine truth that you hold within you. It is your soul, your higher self and your Divine Self that work with you to remove the blinkers from your eyes so you can see what is divine truth for you in this realm at this time.

It is these parts of your being that hold the truth of all that you are. They know your Akashic records and all your experiences and the karma you hold. They in truth know what it is you seek and what it is you hold to yourselves and are unable to release or surrender.

These higher conscious parts of you hold the knowledge of all that you have experienced over the eons in this realm and all others, dear ones.

When you are choosing not to see then they will bring it to you in your life and ask you to look, dear ones.

They have been the traveller and the creator of all that is in divine truth for you, dear ones.

It is time now to awaken to these parts of your Divine Self and to listen to what they have to tell you so that you understand they are indeed the true creators of all that is occurring for you in this moment, dear ones. Open your ears and your hearts to your inner self and allow the ego mind to rest at this time for it does not understand this knowledge that your inner self carries within it, dear ones.

The ego mind finds it so difficult to fathom past what is seen in the physical reality, dear ones. Simply allow this and do not expect more of your beautiful ego mind, dear one, than that which they can offer at this time. Allow the ego mind to rest for it has served you well, our beloved ones, and protected you well from the truth of all that is in their desire to please and assist you, dear ones.

Call now for assistance from your inner being, your Divine Self, and sit with this part of you in truth, dear ones. Choose to open your ears to hear them and listen to their wisdom and their counsel, dear ones, for it is this connection that you truly seek in every moment. Do not be afraid of what you may discover, dear ones, for it is all in divine plan and it is truth in this moment for you.

Surrender your fears and your expectations and allow yourself to be held by the inner being within you and become one with them in truth, dear ones. In choosing to do so you will surrender to the journey and all will begin to flow for you in your life.

In so doing you will begin to feel you are indeed reconnected to All That Is and you will understand that everything that occurs for you is of your creation in this realm, dear ones.

All your actions and thoughts are your responsibility, dear ones, for it is only you that creates these and in so doing it is only you that creates your karma. We ask you to observe and choose to understand the cause and effect of all that you choose to create in each moment. Be aware and conscious of all that you think in each moment and be mindful of this, dear ones, and how it affects All That Is. For this is the power you hold.

Stand in the pool of all knowledge through your inner being and understand that everything you do and say and think affects the whole in all things, our beloveds.

You are never alone and you are not a singular entity, our beloveds, for you are indeed part of the whole driven by your own inner selves to achieve all that you can be in every moment in this realm of physicality. You are here in this realm to do so and to become all that you are in truth through your experience in the physical world, our beloveds.

We would ask you to consider that allowing yourself to become entrapped in the physical realm and the illusions of this realm is not serving your divine highest good or that of the whole, our beloveds. It only causes separation, resistance and more pain at this time - challenges indeed, our beloved.

But we say to you these are challenges you no longer have to wade through if you so desire. For the choice to create them is yours, dear hearts. This is the assistance we offer you at this time, our beloveds, to tell you it is now time to let this consciousness go.

The time for ascension is fast arriving in your realm of physicality and there is no longer the need for you to challenge yourself with pain and fear, our beloveds. Surrender this consciousness now and let it go. Choose to move through the limitation and separation energy that mankind has chosen to create in this realm, our beloved. Push through this consciousness of disconnection and separation and reconnect with the being you are in truth and choose to see that which is divine truth in this realm over your illusions, our beloveds.

We say to you it is not so hard to do as you may choose to believe it is, our beloveds. It is only difficult if you choose to create it to be so for yourselves, our beloveds. It is only a challenge if you desire it to be a challenge, our beloveds.

It is simply as easy as standing on the cliff and diving off, our beloveds. We will catch you, our beloveds, you will not fall and break on the rocks below. We will catch you and rise you up into the higher realms and the higher dimensions for this is our role to assist you in all things, our beloveds.

This is why we are all here at this time to assist you in all things. To assist you to unlock the shackles of your limitations that hold you back from connecting with your inner being, your true Divine Self and to fly free of the illusions you have created in this dimension, our beloveds. It is time now to let go and fly. Be free. Blessings in the truth of all that is our beloveds. Blessings be. Namaste.

Serapis Bey.





Why Are You Here? ~ Serapis Bey


Surrender to the Shift ~ Lord Kuthumi