Speaking Your Truth ~ Saint Germain

Recently, I had an argument with a good friend and we both walked away with pain in our heart. We both believed we were speaking our “truth” and it was not heard. We each felt a need to prove to each other and ourselves that we were right.

We each believed this “truth” was more important to prove than the love we held for each other. The wounded shadow part of us was needing to be confirmed and it wanted approval and love but instead received misunderstanding and rejection.

We were asking the other person to accept and approve of us in some way, but we were unable to gift this to each other and more importantly, to ourselves.

This personal experience spoke to me deeply about the desire we often express to speak our truth. Yet, when we say we want to speak our truth, we usually mean we need to say what we think or feel about something or someone. But is this really truth?

When people say they wish to speak their truth, the Ascended Masters often ask them what truth they want to speak. The Masters say we all have many truths and each one of us will have different truths to the other. While we want our truth to be the same as another they will not be the same because we all express ourselves differently.

So much of the truth we wish to speak is simply an opinion about something that we have formed or a belief that we hold a great attachment to. So how can someone else’s truth be more truth than your truth? How can your truth be more truth than someone else’s truth? Of course, it is not. Often, it is simply a different perception or way of expressing your reality.

Saint Germain asks us to look at whose truth we are speaking. Is it the truth of a shadow self? Is it the truth of your wounded inner child? Is it the truth of a past life? Is it the truth of your warrior self? Is it the truth of your angelic self? Is it the truth of your Galactic self? Is it the truth of your mother or your father? Is it the truth of your family lineage? Is it the truth of your culture? Is it the truth of one of your teachers?

Saint Germain asks you to ask yourself one question: “Is this the truth of my Divine Self?”

If there is a strong emotion such as fear, anger, blame or judgment associated with this truth you are speaking or wish to speak then you can be sure this truth comes from a part of your shadow self that is not in balance and aligned to your divine truth. It comes from a part of you that feels it is not loved and honoured.

Yet what is your divine truth? Saint Germain tells us that it is the deep inner wisdom that sits in the heart of your Divine Self. He says that your Divine Self has no desire to speak its truth at any time. Your Divine Self has no need to be confirmed by someone else, to prove itself to another and has no need to ask another soul to agree with you. Your Divine Self already knows what it is and never questions its divinity or its light, so it has no need to seek this from another being. Your Divine Self is never attached to your opinions, attachments or beliefs for these come from your Ego Self.

Saint Germain says your Divine Self has no need to prove itself to another being or ask another to prove its truth by agreeing with them or confirming them in some way.

Your Divine Self knows and accepts what it is in every moment. It has no need to be proved right. In each moment it acknowledges and accepts all that it is. Your Divine Self knows it is light and accepts and honours this and has no need to speak this truth to another to be confirmed and accepted.

Saint Germain tells us that when we sit in our ego truth we close our hearts and go into separation with our Divine Self and to others. When we need others to hear our truth then we are not connecting to our Divine Self, we are sitting in our ego in disconnection and separation. It is only our ego self that requires to be acknowledged and confirmed in this way. It needs to be approved and confirmed and it needs to feel it is loved and accepted.

The Divine Self has no need to prove itself to another being or to itself because it already knows and accepts that it is loved and honoured. It already knows and honours its truth in each moment and has no need to speak its truth to another. It is already what it is – Divine.



The Path of Service ~ In'Easa mabu Ishtar


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