Lord Sananda - Temple of Evolution

"Nothing remains stagnant, dear hearts, for all is growing, expanding and evolving in every moment, even you. All souls come to the Earth realms to grow, learn, expand and evolve into a higher potential for this is the journey for the soul in the realms of physical matter. It is a pure journey of learning and when the heart and mind believe they have nothing more to learn, then you sit in the shadows and no more in the light. It is time for all beings on Earth to step back into the light and remember they are evolving in every moment, for all they experience is a learning whether it is in the shadow or the light. Bring your learnings from the shadows into the light now, for it is time."

Sananda is the higher self of the personality on the Earth known as Jeshua the Nazarene. He is the spiritual mentor of humanity and assists our spiritual growth and guides us to the alignment of our souls' highest spiritual evolution. 

Sananda reminds us of our Christed (God) natures and how this vibration of energy lives in the heart of each one of us. Sananda holds the Christed light and comes to activate it within you that you may remember your true nature and activate this into your reality on the Earth. He calls to humanity to come into the acceptance of their God nature to embrace the state of unconditional love that is held deeply I the core of their consciousness.

The consciousness of Sananda is available to each of us at all times, and when we choose to open our hearts to receive his unconditional love he guides us from to embrace self-loving choices and actions in our daily lives and improve our understanding and practice of the state of Unconditional Love.  

As the prophet Jeshua on the Earth, Sananda showed humanity how death can be overcome and that love, forgiveness and compassion are our true nature. "What I have done you can do and more". Like all great masters Jeshua came to teach humanity how to embody our Christed (godlike) nature on the Earth.

Call to Sananda when you wish to step from your ego mind and embrace your Divine Nature as your truth and to live each day held in the state of unconditional love. Call to him when you need assistance to love yourself and to accept the Divine in all beings.


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Saint Germain - The Mahachohan - Temple of Life


Sanat Kumara - Temple of the Eternal Self