Venus Kumara - Temple of Creation and Abundance

“The beauty and love that resides in the hearts of all souls is to be honored and celebrated in each moment. Seek not the dark or the shadow for you will find it in all light, dear hearts, but just like the light all will hold its gifts and these will be revealed as the light illuminates all that is.”

She is a Venusian being, who is specially engaged at maintaining energy exchange, transfers and communications between Venus and Earth. She is of a much higher development than that of a Master, but Sanat Kumara is Her Superior. She is often working together with other planetary beings and with some space fleet Commanders like Ashtar.

Call on Venus Kumara when you need to find the beauty within you and to see the world in its beauty and see the abundance around you. She is also wonderful for when you need to be creative in life.


Discover how you can work with the Ascended Masters at a deep level by joining one of the courses Ishtar has channelled from the Masters including: The Masters Way, Open to Channel, Path of the One Heart and Universal Rays Healing™.


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